1. Add fuselage to command pod
  2. Resize fuselage to be bigger than command pod
  3. Add objects to fuselage (RCS for example)
  4. Remove command pod
  5. Re-attach command pod

Fuselage will resize to command pod, and although this is a feature, it would be good if it didn't resize any parts attached to if they have objects (like RCS) attached to them).

Bug Done Found in Fixed in
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    @Authros This will be fixed in Also, regarding the interstage, you can have more control over resizing it if you disable the Cover Engine flag in its Part Properties.

    6.5 years ago
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    Good idea. Thanks, @Authros

    6.5 years ago
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    100 Authros

    @JoshMan @andrewgarrison I think although there is an option to turn it off, I would prefer to have auto-resize on as I prefer it over not having it at all. Additionally, the interstage parts doesn't have the option to resize each end, and can only be created with a slope using auto-resize. The interstage section also resets high and width when disconnected from another part.

    6.5 years ago
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    532 JoshMan

    There's a checkmark in part settings to not auto resize

    6.5 years ago


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