Edit by pedro16797: A craft with no control unit being dysfunctional isn't problematic since it should be considered debris. All input controllers being dysfunctional after redocking is a problematic issue.

Given a group of parts with a docking port, some gizmo with an InputController, and no command chip or pod; and given that it starts docked to another craft; once it is undocked the input controller is no longer functional (obviously there is no way to give it user input anymore, but functionality like Zero On Deactivate stopps working to; and, more importantly it remains disfunctional even after it becomes re-docked to the craft.

Repro Steps

  1. Slider 1 should be set to some non zero value like 0.5
  2. Undock
  3. Select the hing rotator and deactivate it
  4. Once undocking is complete, enable translate mode and back up slowly until docked again
  5. Re-activate the hinge rotator
  6. Change the value of Slider 1


  • When deactivated the hinge rotator should return to neutral position.
  • When re-docked, and with the rotator reactived, Slider 1 should once again control the rotator.
Bug Active Found in 0.9.404.0
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1 Comment

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    10.4k sflanker

    This probably isn't the right fix for the actual game code, by it is possible to work around this issue for modded parts with the following:

        public override void OnCraftStructureChanged(ICraftScript craftScript) {
            if (this.PartScript.CommandPod == null) {
                Debug.Log($"{this.GetInstanceID()} - We don't have a command pod.");
                if (craftScript.PrimaryCommandPod != null) {
                    Debug.Log($"{this.GetInstanceID()} - Fortunately our new craft does.");
                    this.PartScript.Data.CommandPod = craftScript.PrimaryCommandPod.Part;
    4.6 years ago


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