Almost all of the menus in build mode and when in the game will shake up and down very rapidly to the point where its almost impossible to click on anything.

This happened in the middle of the game then all of a sudden the whole menu would start shaking. I tried restarting my game, but it continued after. I dont have any screenshots because it was almost impossible to click on anything. But I did get a screen capture.

Bug Rejected Found in 0.9.615.1
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    Dev Pedro

    @ProfessorFidget thanks for letting us know! Glad you were able to fix it :)

    4.0 years ago
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    @pedro16797 Found out it was just my wireless mouse. No bug from SimpleRockets

    4.0 years ago
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    @pedro16797 I did try verifying the integrity of the game files to see if it would help at all. It also only shakes when you move your curser over the menu.

    4.0 years ago
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    @pedro16797 Only the physical part of the GUI that you can slide up and down such as the parts menu or the resume flight menu.

    I was in orbit controlling an astronaut while docking two parts together. I think I had selected one of the docking ports and was trying to deactivate it when the menu started shaking.

    4.0 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    Does the entire GUI shake or only part of it? Do you remember what was going on when it started?

    4.0 years ago

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