As there is an achievement "dive below 14km" is was trying to find the deepest point in the ocean without google. My idea was just use Vizzy. All i need is there. So my program simply wrote into flight log the following stats:

1 Text "ASL-ASF # ASL # ASF"
2 Ocean depth (ASL-ASF) in whole meters
3 ASL in whole meters
4 ASF in whole meters
5 wait a second

The program itself works fine, but above 27km ASL all the three altitudes start being the same.

As you can see in screenshot middle. Last useful ocean depth is -669m - the difference from 27570m ASF to 26901m ASL. While climbing up, every data point after is 0.

AGL does the same.

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    120 Heady978

    Ok the ASL vs AGL has a solution with a vector, but theres no solution for ASF. Gozinya is talking about this in his Terrain Mapper Video as AGF-ASL=TerrainHeight is not working when getting up:

    6 months ago

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