Was flying around and discovered this neat location but noticed my FPS would dip to sub 20FPS for no reason at all. Turned on dev console and it says it's likely a leak.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Literally just load the sandbox and play

Screenshot of the dev log is in the provided thumbnail.

Bug Planned Found in 0.8.302.0
Sandbox View


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    I feel like this also happens in simple planes, I think the multiplayer mod or something else

    11 months ago
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    3,554 vghfr

    @McDuetchVan Shut up and take my money.

    3.1 years ago
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    221 SiriusK

    Quickloading and continuous reverting to vehicle design can also reduce the performance by a lot, sometime also causing the game to crash just because I was just testing some robotic parts.

    4.6 years ago
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    8,572 McDuetchVan

    This sounds like a plot for a movie with the rock in it. "There's a memory leak in California, causing things to go TERRIBLY WRONG. Only one man can solve it shot of Dwayne the Rock Johnson"

    +9 4.7 years ago


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