It would be nice if we could have an option to make something like a cut nose-cone instead of just an angled fuel tank. For example, we have an Orion Capsule in the trailer for SR2. Whoever made the Orion wanted it to be rounded, but couldn't so they had to go without curves.
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1,726 PlanesofJundroo
@Kell What are the grades? I keep thinking prograde and retrograde but those aren't in the designer.
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I mean have the bottom of a tank be for example 1.0, the top be 0.9, the next tank will have 0.9 as a bottom and 0.7 as a top, the next with 0.7 as the bottom and 0.4 as the top, the final one with 0.4 as bottom and 0 as top @PlanesofJundroo