The title is pretty self explanatory. It would be heavier and more expensive than a regular Heat Shield, but can cover a much wider area and would be useful for big landers that would otherwise burn up in the atmosphere. What I'm thinking is the bigger the shield, the more area it can protect but at the cost of weight and money.
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0 Cptsim
Now, just to entertain the idea, you could expand this by just saying inflatable modules and parts to braoden the scope a pinch.
Great idea with the inflatable heat shield. I also built an inflatable heat shield in SR-2, the one that starts on November 1st
9,415 RudimentaryCheezit
Do you mean having a heat shield like the one in Kerbal Space Program but can be resized?
2,581 Gen3ralInterstel1ar
This is a definite need for Simplerockets 2, Nasa has tested Inflatible heat sheilds before. They would definitely have to more weight and cost more due to size, materials, and electronics.
644 AstroTaha
Inflatable heat shield should be good for making big payloads re-enter without making more space for heat shield.
Mod SupremeDorian
@CyberDolphin It means moderator. Essentially I help keep this place clean of rule-breakers and such.
619 VortexSpace
And if it’s alright would you take a look at my craft merging proposal? -
619 VortexSpace
Oh... how sad :( if you were to ever get a bigger team would you consider it? -
616 Tmanamry2013
Plz add this to the game And then I can make my Starliner capsule with inflatable air bags
1,393 epickoolman789
I've tryed to make this work in this simple process, add diagonal pistons facing down with part symmetry under the selected capsule and attach heatshields on the pistons.
Oh my god yes!