Okay so basically I built a plane with an ejection seat but when I ejected and landed it, stuff began to get weird:
1: When I switched to first person on the astronaut, it stayed at third person.
2: When I got out of the seat, I spawned horizontally ontop of the chair and fell through the seat and into the ground, where the seat exploded.
If you are a dev, comment here and I'll give you the link to the unlisted craft

Bug Duplicate Found in 0.9.601.0
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    Dev Pedro

    This post has been merged into this post and this post has been marked as duplicate.

    3.6 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    @PhilipTarpley No problem, I'll gladly do it ;)

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    @Doublehsh Thanks! That could be helpful.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    @PhilipTarpley okay so when you fly at high speed and eject, it sometimes glitched out with the craft and disabled the astronaut. I'll try to make a video about it because it is quite difficult to exactly describe what happened.

    4.2 years ago
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    Whenever you submit a bug report, the craft which was in-use is sent along with it. I was not able to reproduce any issues w/the included aircraft (NFX-77). Can you give more detailed repo steps?

    4.2 years ago

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