Okay so here is the thing, SR2 has the label part which does support the Cyrillic alphabet to some degree but not the Chinese or Japanese as far as I'm aware.

Space is full of non-english speakers and spacecrafts, half of which are Russian which use the Cyrillic alphabet as a result. The problem comes when you try to give color, gradients, change fonts, or simply add a curve when you have Russian text... it just breaks those features! So in this post I'm suggesting better language support for the label tool so we can reproduce our spacecrafts more accurately and do them Russian-Style!

(Example of giving better language support is a option to choose between different alphabets and said alphabets have their own exclusive fonts, I understand this might be a labor intensive thing to implement but honestly if you're gonna add something like the label part and then proceed to ignore everyone apart from the English speakers then you shouldn't add it at all.)

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