It would be nice to have a point system for experiments and parts like magnetometers, solar radiation detection and various other gadgets.
It would be nice to have a point system for experiments and parts like magnetometers, solar radiation detection and various other gadgets.
The game is pretty dry, this would make it better.
@KatosTohbi @vexing I really like your ideas. One way that JNO could be distinguished from KSP2 is by making the tech tree quasi-progression based. Certain technologies could be locked behind having certain scientific accomplishments completed. For example, geosynchronous orbit could be required before some piece of tech is unlocked.
A “fog of war” style of exploration could also be an option, forcing the player to set up scientific and observational infrastructure to chart courses, plot approaches, and in general be able to accomplish missions: in specific places.
I have same idea to request that
It's best to do these experiments in Career mode with a tech point.
And maybe with said advancements, there could be landmarks that could be found by roving, or by said gadgets.
It would be nice to have gadgets for testing, plus in career, tech points could be added!
I suggest that planets maps would display some sort of bad version, like old maps of martian canals for Mars, until you get a scanning satellite in orbit. There could be different tiers of scanners, like LIDAR for topography, photographic for colour, spectrometer for biome mapping, RADAR to map cloudy planets, etc. Maybe one scanner would be required to map landmarks.
Leaving this bit of copypasta here since the post got merged:
Maybe to diverge and avoid infringement there could be specific scientific milestones to reach on and around each celestial body, and at each landmark. Maybe even in each biome. In career mode we could balance the contracts we take with the science we want to do. Science milestones would build our tech points alongside exploratory milestones. I think that in keeping with the themes of JNO, new science parts, if implemented, should be procedural. As an example we could edit the mirror type, material, size, and shape for telescopes, and the general telescope layout. Use tech points to unlock more advanced materials, mechanisms, and assembly techniques. Things like ambient atmospheric pressure and surface temperature could be measured by onboard equipment that comes built into most command pods. More advanced command pods could even have more advanced science equipment, like subsurface radar/lidar scanning, cartographic algorithms that work with data from onboard cameras to build better maps of celestial bodies. Equipment for probing data in low Juno orbit and low Tidos/Urados orbit. Spectroscopy, radiation monitoring, interplanetary meteorology, there's just so much that could be done with this idea and still be unique compared to other games in the genre. The rigid body physics would be perfect for setting up surface science structures like telescope arrays, various labs, heck how about seismic monitoring facilities to get data about the internal structures of all terrestrial bodies (and algorithms to extrapolate planetary structure from planet studio parameters), meteorological ground stations, literally anything we want because this is Juno New Origins and the sky is nowhere near the limit!
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Please make this happen devs. This would probably be the most important feature as it would add purpose to send rockets carrying payload. ToT ....
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Yes, this would be a bit more like KSP
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