Something I was weary of reporting because I figure the tether wasn't really meant to be a proper thing, but since it is in game, and quite useful I might add, I decided to report this one.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Spawn and make sure you are controlling an astronaut
  2. Go first person mode
  3. Tether to any object (ground, fuel-less fuel tank, detacher, other astronaut, etc.)
  4. Notice in FLIGHT VIEW that the fuel for active stage is going up no matter what you're connected to.

Today I learned that Droods have mastered the technology to make infinite fuel from any source. Man! Sometimes I wish we knew how to do here on earth.

Bug Done Found in Fixed in
Sandbox View


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    2.2 years ago
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    @Mod Yep, you're could refuel from anything. I have a fix for that done. Thanks!

    Edit - That was fixed in commit: 531f01e69141ab1b1b2fb33f1222573a99ccb9c9

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    16.0k Mod

    @PhilipTarpley Mine seems to be re-fueling the Astronaut when grappled to the ground. Hadn't actually though about trying the runway or building surfaces yet..

    Draining fuel from the source would be a good idea. Also, I like the idea of the conversion, but I feel as though that might make getting resources for the Astronaut too easy in a way. Would it be possible to only allow the Astronaut to drain fuel from something like a... Monopropellant tank?

    +3 5.0 years ago
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    This is actually by "design" currently. Also, just to clarify, it does not re-fuel if you grapple the terrain or a building, etc. I suppose the most obvious way to address this is to have the astronaut drain fuel from whatever it's tethered to, that way it isn't infinite. The astronaut currently uses a different type of (hidden) fuel, though. To make things easier, should it be able to drain any type of fuel and "convert" it to Jetpack fuel?

    5.0 years ago


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