Here im using two different crafts, orion and sea dragon, orion was launched inside sea dragon rocket (sea dragon has primary command pod). When the orion separation happens, i have to take control of orion spacecraft and dock with sea dragon. Once im docked i have to take control of sea dragon to continue the mission. When i try to activate stages of sea dragon, it activates orion stages even im controling sea dragon spacecraft. Please fix that bug.

Bug CannotDuplicate Found in 0.8.402.0
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    3,502 Riksh

    @AndrewGarrison Sea dragon starts to activate orion's stages when take control of orion and dock with sea dragon. Once i take control of sea dragon again and try to activate its stages, it activates orion's stages even im not controling orion at that moment.

    5.2 years ago
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    @FuriousBlade My mistake, it does appear that you set the Orion sub-craft up correctly. When I take over the sandbox, I'm at stage 3 on Orion (parachutes and fairing) and stage 4 on Sea Dragon, which is an empty stage. When are you seeing the Sea Dragon activate a stage on Orion? Has it already happened? I'm able to activate stages on either craft without interfering with the other craft.

    5.2 years ago
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    3,502 Riksh

    @AndrewGarrison I did and each craft has its own command pod, but how do i make orion sub-assembly? What options should i use?

    5.2 years ago
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    In the designer, in order to make a sub-craft (as it appears Orion is, in this case) you need to build the sub-craft as a separate craft and then create a sub-assembly with it. Then go back to the Sea Dragon craft and import the Orion sub-assembly. When you add the Orion sub-assembly in this way, all parts connected to it will associate their command pod with the Orion command pod which should keep their staging separate from the rest of the Sea Dragon.

    5.2 years ago

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