I just got the game and I was messing around with the awesome rotators (something I am more than ecstatic to see after playing KSP for so long.) I was trying to make a Canadarm sort of thing, until I realized that there were only two "custom" sliders I could use (excluding the other sliders, such as Pitch, Yaw, etc.) This was really limiting, and I think including an option somewhere to increase or decrease the number of custom sliders would be great. I also looked around quite a lot and couldnt find this option in the game, but if someone has found it, by all means let me know!
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75 adraken
Slider customization options could include:
1. Adding/removing custom sliders at design time and/or in Vizzy
2. Naming sliders (e.g., “Slider 1” → “Kp”, etc.)
3. Defining ranges for sliders (e.g., [-1, 1] or [0, 1] or [0, 1.5] or (for very precise tuning) [0.5, 0.6], etc.)
4. Binding sliders to Vizzy variables -
18.2k plane918273645
Yeh I did it, no need for more sliders as you can use vizzy variables an input
1,469 t4zcomz
It would be nice to be able to rename sliders as well. Or is that already possible in the game?
3,143 speediplayz
you can set an activation group to each part of your arm, for example 1 2 3 4 and then activate them 1 by 1 and use the slider to change the position, then move on to the next. The main flaw with this is, you would need to remember the positions of each so it doesnt cause a jerky movement when you activate a part, but none the less, slider 3 approves of this
@adraken AINT EASY MAN