Problem: Game is too sterile, too empty. It lacks any emotional motivation to go anywhere, to do anything. The Astronauts could be a solution, but in their current state, are fancy, walking test dolls with names.

Solution: Give them thoughts. When they are in a seat or capsule, give them a crew portrait. The portrait may occasionally display thought bubble popups.
On EVA, the popup would appear near the astronaut's head. Thoughts may resemble crew/EVA reports from KSP.

Conclusion: The sterile theme of this game has a serious effect on playability.
By adding thoughts to the astronauts, it gives them character, and may increase player satisfaction.

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    146 Ambarveis

    maybe using a small language AI like older GPTs could make the dialogue generation reaaally nice

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    How about giving them faces? Lets say the game has life support and every time they run out of health, they become pale and lifeless but it goes back to normal whenever you raise their health back again. Or make them dizzy whenever you spin the craft too much. It would probably destroy the title "SimpleRockets" but I think it would be cool.

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    My concern is that KSP fans will start saying we copied them

    +4 3.8 years ago
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    @Creative_Space Or a flag we can customize ourselves to certain space agencies or for our personal preferences

    4.4 years ago
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    It's all fun n games until it says "Richard Maxon feels like committing several human rights violations"

    +5 4.6 years ago
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    105 ThorOPYT

    I want to see the Astronaut emotion like in KSP
    When liftoff the emotions is change when falling so there face is change and they need to do some work by its own like put a flag of simple rocket 2 on the Land when we tap a button

    +2 4.6 years ago
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    3,462 tsampoy

    Also for the ability to plant flags and leave mark things around the map would be cool too.

    +1 4.6 years ago
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    I really want that Astronauts can edit their appearances,for example,turn an Astronaut into an active cartoon role XD

    +6 4.6 years ago
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    Basically speaking there's no story for goals to fly to the stars. If you play KSP, you have a dumb and simple yet powerful goals: Put the green stupid goblins down on the other planets, plant some flags, and bring them back. That is the sole and most important difference between early-day KSP and SR2.

    +5 4.7 years ago
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    I agree

    +2 4.7 years ago


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