Now it's using AltitudeAboveSeaLevel, making crafts that go under the water instantly explode. Why not use AGL to make submarines, SeaDragon like crafts... possible?

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    Dev Pedro

    @PlanesofJundroo most of the ocean is barely 20m deep, but even making it 1km deep with xml you can't go under 20m, it's harcoded into the game

    +1 5.6 years ago
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    @pedro16797 I can barely see the bottom, but when I go too fast into the water I explode.

    5.6 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @PlanesofJundroo what do you mean?

    5.7 years ago
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    Guys, did you realize that the ground is like 10 meters down? (Not that it shows it on AGL) When I go slow enough my craft goes into the water and starts floating.

    5.7 years ago


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