My idea is to have either preset satellite or satellites that you cann create yourself with certain science parts like Magnetometer or others
how the work is basicly like in KSP when every the are in a new envoriment or new planet sphere of influence the cann collect tech points and maybe a little bit of money it should not be much just a little so you will need to send alot of sats for your own income around the droo system and with time the gain will be lower and lower and the Satellites instruments will have a limited life span a Cheaper satellite will be cheap but not gain much income while having low life time while expensive ones cann last a good amount of time and gain a good amount of income
every satellite must have battery to send the data i dont know if you guys want to also make a Connection simulation like in KSP or the droon comlink mod but for my suggestion you dont need one ones the Sat has battery it will send infomation back to droo but if a Sat is farther away it will not give 100% of the income example maybe 70% for Cylero and 30% for tydos and so on would give players the option to make their own missions and create a passive income that still needs to be replaced if time goes own optional you cann activate a setting that will delet Satellites if the run out of battery life automaticly so you dont have to find the empty sat somewhere on the map and delet it yourself
for that a special mapfilter might also be an good idea so your map wont be full of sats