Would help greatly with realism and overall craft visuals, plus they could be edited to different colours than white for expressing different RCS fuels.

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    26.6k Zenithspeed

    hell yeah x2
    i do like the current RCS plumes tbh, so while i'm down for this, i'd be more down if we could get in-depth customization on those too/instead

    +2 11 days ago
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    2,476 Ceya

    @QuantumSpaceIndustries I really don’t see a reason for the devs not to do this, it might have performance impacts but that could (probably) be helped by making the plume’s texture and dynamic shape lower quality since it’s so small and you probably won’t be looking at that part of your craft a lot.

    +3 15 days ago
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    hell yeah

    +2 15 days ago


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