Placing my humble rover within interstage makes the wheels go crazy, mislocated and the whole craft reacts to that by unexplained rolls.
Found in 0.9.404.0
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8,458 crowxe
@pedro16797 Thank you for looking into it, i also tried setting the collision to None but nothing happened
8,458 crowxe
@pedro16797 Thank you for looking into it, i also tried setting the collision to None but nothing happened
Dev Pedro
I've simplified the craft to just 16 parts. At first I thought it was the rover being grouped or the weird connection between the inter-stage and one of the cylindrical tanks on the rover. None of those seems to be the real cause and the problem got even worst.
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The interstage is actually a solid collider and the entire rover is colliding with it. The wheels are pushed outside the bounds of the collider and the resulting collision is adding the force in a strange way. It does look odd and it does seem reasonable to expect the interstage is hollow, but it is not for performance reasons.