Make engine nozzles glow while the engine is running (possible to turn on/off in effects settings or in the engine settings), it will be glowing quickly after engine start, then it will slowly fading when the engine is shut off (maybe add option in the engine settings to set how long it will be fading, can also be a option for tinker panel).
imo it should be engine setting like "max nozzle temperature" or so, and normaly the nozzle won't glow, but you can lower the max nozzle temperature and it will be glowing, and maybe the setting will also slightly decrease the engine mass when lowered. It will look like the color orange with high emission settings, but the difference is that it won't be same brightness for the whole nozzle, and it will be quickly become bright when the engine is started, and then slowly fading when shut off

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    Dev Pedro

    Please, search for existing suggestions before submitting them.

    2.1 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    This post has been merged into this post and this post has been marked as duplicate.

    2.1 years ago

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