Also remember the last position of the slider UI when re-entering the flight scene.

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    11.7k KraZIvan

    @AndrewGarrison awesome, thanks!

    5.5 years ago
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    @KraZIvan Done :)

    +2 5.5 years ago
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    11.7k KraZIvan

    @AndrewGarrison I didn't know I could move it, thank you for the tip! I actually don't mind having to move it again after scene reloading, the fact that it can be moved is very helpful.

    Maybe I should turn this discussion into a suggestion if you want to close this bug report, thanks again :D

    5.5 years ago
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    @KraZIvan You can actually move the slider UI box by draggings its + button. One problem with this is that it doesn't restore its position when you reload the scene, so it's quite frustrating. I think toggling sliders and analog sticks and remembering positions of UI elements would be a good improvement to the UI.

    +2 5.5 years ago
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    11.7k KraZIvan

    @AndrewGarrison Would there be a way to have an option for the player to resize/move the slider UI box or if not, make the slider UI smaller? The throttle slider wasn't much of a problem for me but if you make it collapsible like the rest of the sliders it might help to make more room on the screen when the throttle's not in use, also since the "throttle" option still appears in the slider UI box it gives the player a good secondary option to still have the throttle on screen if needed.

    +1 5.5 years ago
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    It's just hard to fit all that UI on those tiny screens at once. I think it might be helpful to have a way to disable the left and/or right analog stick and also optionally disable the throttle slider.

    +3 5.5 years ago


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