The displayed orbits of crafts not controlled by the player are wrong when they change SoI.

Here, the blue and purple lines are the (correct) trajectory of the player-controlled craft leaving Droo SoI. The green line, however, is for another craft currently in Droo orbit but leaving it slowly. It continues straight forever (as if it was still only affected by Droo's gravity) even though it should curve around Juno and intercept Ceylero.

Bug Rejected Found in
Sandbox View


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    225 Olleus

    @AndrewGarrison I guessed that is what was happening, but it's kind of confusing. Not to mention ugly. I understand not wanting to show when non-player controlled crafts enter new SoI (too many different lines to show, too taxing for the system, too overwhelming for the player), but showing when they leave their SoI and go to the parent one would be a good compromise IMO.

    2.1 years ago
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    This is a limitation of the map view for non-player controlled crafts. They will only show their orbit relative to their current SOI.

    2.1 years ago

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