To repoduce the bug, open the sandbox and try to attatch the side interstage to the fuselage like it should. The only way is to manually align and attatch it, which is possible but difficult.
Found in 0.9.924.0
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2,959 BeastHunter
@AndrewGarrison That was disabled, excuse me while I disable my face due to excessive facepalming.
Dev AndrewGarrison
You might have Attach to Surfaces disabled. Check in the Move Part tool flyout in the designer and make sure that's on.
2,959 BeastHunter
@Pedro @AndrewGarrison I’ve been here long enough to know tagging devs is not necessary and not generally nice, but I don’t thing this bug is normal. Is there something wrong with my game itself? This makes it impossible you build most anything, and I’m wondering if I can fix it or need to delete and reinstall the game.
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@BeastHunter lol, no worries :)