This tool could function just like the "add fuselage" button, but instead of adding a fuselage, it shows a line that will slide up and down the selected fuselage and then "cut" it into two fuselages. Basically, it's a version of blender's "loop cut and slide" function.

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    16.0k Mod

    @Zenithspeed Yes, and while it's doable it's still very tedious, especially if you have a single fuselage that is in-between two fuselages on either side and you want to make a hump in that single fuselage, or maybe a curve of some sort.

    +1 7 months ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    i think it's technically doable with some fuselage cutting and mirroring, but having a tool for it would be very nice too

    7 months ago


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