This is mostly geared towards career mode, since sandbox = infinite money.

Sucessfully landing rockets instead of letting them crash and burn returns a set amount of money. For example, a button to "sell" the rocket staging if successfully landed. Additional cost if landed on water.

Could go even further and only designate certain areas as places to "sell" rocket stages without transportation taxes.

Suggestion Duplicate


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    146 Ambarveis

    @Pedro this was heard?? thank you!

    2.1 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    This post has been merged into this post and this post has been marked as duplicate.

    2.5 years ago
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    146 Ambarveis

    Do the devs see this...?

    5.4 years ago
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    146 Ambarveis

    Added note: The button could also be in the main menu's "continue craft" section. That would be nice, yes.

    5.4 years ago

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