From hybrid spaceplanes to many normal planes people will want to build, many things require aircraft engines. Learn more about the jet engines on our post here.
Originally submitted by @EternalDarkness
From hybrid spaceplanes to many normal planes people will want to build, many things require aircraft engines. Learn more about the jet engines on our post here.
Originally submitted by @EternalDarkness
btw, when would this come out? like at what update or at what time?
Stepping more into the realm of sci-fi, how about engines that breathe CO2 or methane atmosphere? For example, burning magnesium powder with CO2 (thick black "contrails"?)
1) Turbines - designer chooses bypass ratio and other parameters
2) ramjets
3) scramjets
4) fuel tanks will need a parameter for volume ratio of kerosene to LOx if some engines suck their oxygen from outside.
Is it possible To add a blurred affect to items on the end of a motor? Because that would take care of props and look very good on many other things @AndrewGarrison
@Chancey21 No, this task is just for the jet engines. Which, really, they are just prop engines in tubes.
SimplePlanes style of vtol jet engines please, open the doors to limitless possibility.
make one jet engine
and have these customization in it, if you want!
*to be resizable maybe make the power changeable according to the size
so you don't have a 10 cm jet engine with the power to that of an F-22 engine
yet that will be XML edited anyways ...
*thrust vectoring on/off
*maybe add a few nozzle shape customization?maybe not?
*by the existing of the jet engine we'll need inlets
I don't what I want but I'll definitely want to see something new in the customization of the inlets
and thanks for all the great games mainly SimplePlanes
and SimpleRockets
plus the great Simple Rocket 2
Really enjoying the jet engines! Working on a runway-takeoff spaceplane now.