I´ve buildt this craft and i checked my staging and then pressed the start button.
So the bug is that all my interstages went to stage 2 (and that is not the default mode).
i remade it and aded a minor change (i didn´t move any tank) when againg my staging went crazy. :)
It has been 3 times and with another craft.
Found in 0.9.307.0
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Dev AndrewGarrison
@Dala1 It might also help to reset your staging and then try manually correcting stages as necessary.
283 Dala1
@AndrewGarrison thanks Andrew, but the thing is that everytime i pressed the play button the staging went crazy
Dev AndrewGarrison
You can disable auto staging by clicking the button at the top of the staging editor to toggle off auto-recalculation of stages.
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@AndrewGarrison I´ll try it, thanks your game is the best!!!! :)