What if players can share their sub-assembly to a "Parts" section like they can share Crafts, Sandboxes or Celestial bodies?
People can earn points for downloads and rating for those parts and suggestions can be make to improve the parts.
Crafts with 3rd party's sub-assemblies will automatically credit the part provider's name once upload to the website.
Sub-assemblies' physics properties can be simplified to boost performance.

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    10 DrDerek

    The ability to create high detail sub-assembly with procedural parts in Juno is very unique to the game as a whole. However building all those details can be quite time consuming and not very enjoyable. And sometime I wanna use a part of someone else's craft but not wanting to download the hole vehicle since the entire thing can be quite heavy for weak-end devices.

    Despite the limitless possibility of the game, the basic "Slap some parts on it and hit go" playstyle is still very popular.

    Pinned 1.4 years ago


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