Engines placed in a radial symmetry configuration may be depleted at different times.

It looks like at least one of the engines has 0 spooling time while the rest have the corresponding decay in thrust.

Bug Active Found in 0.9.405.6
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    Dev Pedro

    @BrandtSpaceINC 0.9.404 is the latest public version, 0.9.405.6 is one of the versions meant to be used by the dev team to test things out.

    4.4 years ago
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    Okay, I took a longer look at this today and the problem is because one engine runs the tank out of fuel mid-frame and causes an imbalance of force. Pedro is right in that it does appear to be several frames. The problem is that the engine that runs out of fuel first abruptly sets its internal engine throttle to < 1 and therefore looks like it's skipping its spooling-down time. However, no forces are being applied by any engines at this point since they are all out of fuel. It just looks like it's dragging on for several frames, but really it was only a single frame of imbalanced thrust.

    4.4 years ago
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    @pedro16797 I see it now. It's a bit inconsistent.

    4.4 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @AndrewGarrison what I experienced was way longer than a frame, the difference looked like one of the engines was getting instant max thrust, skipping the spooling time, while the rest behaved normally

    4.4 years ago
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    This only happens on one frame when a fuel tank runs out of fuel and some connected engines might not have enough fuel to update, so they won't provide thrust that frame. IMO, it's a small issue, and typically isn't noticeable unless you have absurdly high TWR with engines that are far away from the CoM.

    4.4 years ago


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