Rolling around in this craft seems to inevitably tear the left wing + sometimes a specific part of the right wing off, and only those parts, never the rest of the right wing.

1. Take off (stage 1 and throttle)
2. Start rolling left and right
3. The left wing should eventually fall off

It is of course intended behaviour for wings to snap off under high loads, but this doesn't appear to be a high load and it's really strange that, no matter what, it always seems to be the left wing falling off.

I have attempted several things to try to deduce the cause of this, such as removing all of the wing incidence, removing the dihedral, and setting the occlusion to none - but nothing seems to work in preventing it.

While probably not directly related to this, something of note as well is the craft's desire to "correct" its own roll, seemingly due to the vertical stabilizer producing a very high amount of lift.

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    Dev Pedro

    It seems like it is the control surface triggering the disassembling, everything breaks because all those meshes are combined for optimization, but the part that triggers the whole issue is the wing with the control surface that has a very short base.
    Since part snapping is calculated based on base length and thickness and it is thin and short for its length it snaps, and since they are mesh combined the entire wing goes

    2.0 years ago

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