Just another suggestion for future releases, now that the game feels almost complete. "Quality of life" additions like an abort staging sequence would be a nice touch.

Similar to the normal staging menu, the addition of staging in an abort scenario would indeed be nice. With the current build, an abort scenario of say: pulling a capsule away from a failed rocket while on launchpad requires some finicky work with action group and springs. or just spamming the crap out of the space bar until you reach the upper stages. The addition of a staging menu triggered by an abort key would allow the player to set a specific combination of engines and decouplers to trigger.

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    3,539 vghfr

    you can just give the parts that need to be activated on abort an activation group

    3.8 years ago
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    @Bacon aircraft i think it is possibe to do this now with vissy, I have tried, and most of the things went well, except for capsule separation after flameout

    4.8 years ago
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    @tsampoy like your profile pic

    4.8 years ago
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    3,462 tsampoy

    Yes very useful
    I just spam the life out of the space bar. Or just put it on slow mo and watch it explode (for satisfaction reasons)

    6.0 years ago


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