Right now we just have a system where the game will give you some random missions from a list, decided by which tech tree nodes you have unlocked. This means that you will get a lot of repeat missions, and that it doesn't fit a logical progression curve very well. In addition there are some missions that give way too much money (like 500 million for orbiting the moon, which costs like 10-20 million in parts).

I propose that the devs add a Mission Tree, similar to the tech tree. Each node is a mission that you have to complete to unlock the next nodes. The missions should progress in a logical way, first you just have to launch a rocket, then orbit, polar orbit, lunar flyby, etc. Eventually having colonies on distant planets and a large communications satillite network.

In addition to the mission tree there can still be generated missions. These could be small missions (maybe just call these "Tasks") to launch commercial/private satilites and such. When you complete more Mission Tree missions you could get tasks related to it. Lets say you built a space station, then you can get Tasks to resupply it or send new astronauts there. Tasks should give less money than missions, but have a larger profit margin than missions. Missions should give more money but also cost more, with a slimmer profit margin. This means that most players will have to grind some tasks in order to afford missions, unless they have done everything perfect.

Suggestion Rejected


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    Dev Pedro

    @Saladinny on the second part, I'm sorry you don't find it engaging, I've seen many comments saying otherwise. In 1.1 we plan to add more contracts that will interact with the crew, servicing a space station, doing rescue missions and bringing tourists and droods to various places. Also a couple more payload contracts since those seem to be the ones players enjoy the most.

    2.0 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @Saladinny it was a gameplay decision, to make it feel more like the contracts are coming naturally rather than following an "on rails" progression. The contracts that do unlock more have a flare that says PROGRESSION next to them

    2.0 years ago
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    105 Saladinny

    @Pedro Then why not show us the tree? I have all tech nodes that gives more contracts open and I have played every type I have been offered, but I keep getting offered the same few types.

    Also, I think that "just fix it yourself" is a bad attitude to have as a game developer. The career mode just isn't very engaging, and its a shame because it could be a thing this game could easily do better than KSP.

    2.0 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    The game already works like that, it just doesn't show you the tree. We also support custom career modes if you want to change the progression, adjust some contracts, or even add custom ones, custom tech nodes, customers, launch locations... you name it

    2.0 years ago

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