I've been working on a space station for a couple of months now, and even took a month hiatus due to this issue. The space station is quite large, and is made up of 9 individual crafts so far. Look to the hab module to get a sense of the scale. Each launch and rendezvous was perfect up until I enter the physics render distance which is 3km away. Upon reaching that point, multiple modules which make up the station will decouple almost every time. The decoupling isn't violent like the kraken in KSP but is more like you just turned off the docking port. I've tried making the space station as balanced as possible to see if the problem was weight distribution of those giant feul tanks, but it doesn't seem to fix it. My thinking is that, because the space station is so large, when my craft enters its physics render distance, the game will slowly load in each module of the station, one at a time as I get closer to it, causing some of the modules, which are just outside of the "bubble" of render distance, to load in as a seperate craft from the rest of the station and not being able to remember that "this" module was docked to "that" module and at "this" docking port. So the modules that dont get loaded in at the same time will become seperated from those that do. Sincerely sorry if this is hard to recreate, I can upload the system with the station and with a craft about to enter render distance if needed. Most likely will be needed since the station was assembled realistically, launch by launch and the only way I was able to keep it all together was to pilot the decoupled modules back to the space station every time.
Step 1: have multiple heavy crafts docked together in LDO. (Heaviest is up to 300,000kg) all docking ports are normal size and no tinker panel or xml is used.
Step 2: launch another heavy craft and rendezvous with the space station. Be sure to quick save outside of the 3km physics render distance.
Step 3: begin approaching the station, making sure to watch exactly when and from where the modules begin to decouple. It happens fast so keep your eyes peeled.
Multiple crafts decoupling/undocking upon entering 3km render distance
1.9 years ago
Found in 1.0.908.0
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