This was a suggestion post that I have changed over to a bug report.
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40.7k KellyNyanbinary
@PhilipTarpley I do not think so. My Cylero Comm Sat mission had over 60 auto burns and all were well.
Dev AndrewGarrison
Oh, so the issue is more with auto-burn and warp-to-node? Is there an issue with precisely planning a node? If not, then I would like to change the suggestion to refer to auto-burn and possibly turn this into a bug report instead.
40.7k KellyNyanbinary
@AndrewGarrison Autoburn and Warp to node still behaves weird, autoburn doesn’t want to stop or point to the node direction before firing, auto warp warps straight past the node
40.7k KellyNyanbinary
@AndrewGarrison Kinda, but now that slider feels so lonely there :D
Dev AndrewGarrison
Do you feel the sensitivity slider in Map Options helps with this enough to close this suggestion?
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@Kell Thanks, I am going to close it as CND.