when ever the program starts and the rocket targets the drone ship, it gets the wrong position of the drone ship and as a result the entire landing program is messed up, i have tested the program and it works fine if i ta4get the drone ship manually. i have also experienced this problem in other programs I've been working on

Bug Active Found in 0.9.802.0
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    @Sushiboi Yep, that should work.

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    294 Sushiboi

    @AndrewGarrison so the program flow will be something like this?
    1) Target Node 'target '
    2) Wait '0' seconds
    3) Set variable 'targetposition' to Nav(target position)

    2.5 years ago
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    It looks like the target position is not available if queried immediately after setting the target through Vizzy. Fortunately there's an easy workaround, just add a Wait 0 Seconds before using the nav Target Position expression.

    2.5 years ago
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    294 Sushiboi

    @pedro16797 sorry I forgot to mention you 😅

    3.2 years ago
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    294 Sushiboi

    @pedro16797 I have created a craft here to demonstrate the bug, the craft only has 3 programs running, the main program, impact Point prediction and velocity heading calculator. To get what I mean, first spawn the craft than throttle up, this should start the program, after meco, a correction burn should happen you will realise the craft is pointing in the completely wrong direction, if you let the program run, the craft will impact way off target. Now, go back and edit the main program, remove the target node block and spawn the craft again, remember to manually target the drone ship before throttle up and when you manually target the droneship, the program works fine.

    3.2 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    I just tried to reproduce this problem and it works perfectly fine for me targetting "Drone Ship". You have multiple parts running a lot of vizzy scripts, make sure they aren't fighting against each other, try making a craft with just a capsule that has a simple program that just targets the drone ship, to check if it's a problem with the game or your craft.

    3.2 years ago

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