Overscrolling, scroll bouncing, the rubber band effect, it's got several names, but it's present in every action window in the game. When scrolling up or down to the end of a list, the items in the list will briefly keep moving, before 'bouncing' back to the top- or bottom-most position, whichever way you scrolled. When I want to access information displayed at the bottom or top of a list, which might be important to know at that very moment (eg, speed, altitude, delta-v, etc.), I have to wait for a second or two before I can actually see that information because of the bouncing. Plus, if I am trying to track the motion of another readout while scrolling, it's quite hard to do so when that readout can literally go out of view. I would rather have the list come to a hard stop when it reaches the top or bottom. If some people are die-hard fans of scroll-bouncing, then it could be an option in the settings. If it's already a setting or there is a way to change this some other way, could somebody point it out to me? Thanks.

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