thrust of komodo capsule is not enough to escape from rocket.
I canged fuel consumption and gimbal range but power is not still enough.
please tell me how to get more power.

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    Dev Pedro

    @Ryo you have to find where the craft files are and then edit them, you should try asking in the forums or in one of the discord servers for a more in-depth answer

    3.8 years ago
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    150 Ryo

    thank you for reply
    how can I control XML ?
    I can play SR2 on pc and smartphone.

    3.8 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    The craft can separate at a TWR of about 6, which is even more than what is common in real life, but you have to take into account that if your craft is moving at a higher acceleration, the capsule won't detach. To get more power you will have to add more engines yourself or tweak the properties of the craft in the XML files.

    3.8 years ago

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