I know this is an insane idea, but it would be great if possible.

The first problem I've noticed is that the planet rotation makes the craft drift and miss the maneuvers.

Second problem I've noticed is that the maneuvers aren't dynamically updated so they don't know how to deal with the atmospheric drag if it's too much.

Third problem is that in some cases the maneuvers suddenly dissappear or they show like independent orbits (a different complete orbit line for each maneuver instead of them sharing a continuous line)

If you manage to make this work you'll have an amazing tool both for gameplay and content creation

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    Dev Pedro

    @PhilipTarpley the drag approximation would be so sick, also with a predicted impact coordinate, time to impact and suicide burn time taking into account the twr

    In ksp there're some mods that do that, Trajectories is a must in fact. The only problem is that mobile will suffer a lot

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    I agree that would be pretty awesome. One of the key aspects impacting maneuver node accuracy is predicting how long it will take to achieve a certain deltaV, and having an atmosphere would complicate that quite a lot. We would also need to fully predict the drag-affected trajectory, it would no-longer always be an ellipse. The UI for adding maneuver nodes would need to be modified to make it not be a pain to add nodes while you're sitting on the launch-pad (with no visible orbit).

    It would be really cool, though. And thanks for making the sand-box with a use-case :)

    5.4 years ago


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