Here are two screeshots with the UI displayed to show you what I meant in my last post.

The rocket is just after switching to orbit mode - although maybe the UI shoud do this automatically when this happens? - and youcan see the velocity is the same in both images, even though orbital velocity should be about 150-160m/s higher.

As you will already have guessed, this launch was nowhere near a pole, using the default launch site on Droo, so that doesn't explain the readouts being the same.

Andrew asked if it happend every time: well yes it does without fail.

I found another little bug but I'll have to log it in another post.

Bug Rejected Found in
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    @AndrewGarrison Yes I did indeed say the Surface and Orbit Speed stayed the same as the vessel landed back on Droo.

    However for some reason this seems to no longer be the case, whether it was something you guys did or "an act of god", I don't know, but at least that seems to be fixed now.

    Thanks for the clarification about the altitude that surface velocity is no longer calculated.

    6.2 years ago
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    Thanks for the clarification. I thought you had mentioned in the previous bug report that Surface and Orbit stayed the same as you landed back on the surface of the planet. The Surface and Orbit velocities do report the same above 20km as Surface velocity is no longer calculated above that altitude and the Surface mode just reports Orbit velocity.

    6.2 years ago

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