I have been playing this game for over 5 years now, but besides making rockets and blowing stuff up, I still feel a lack of purpose and (sometimes) challenge.
Like a lot of players, I have also spent quite some time playing KSP, albeit not as much as Juno, but the thing I liked about it the most is the science and tech stuff that is implemented in the game. Like the establishment of full-blown communications networks to send and receive data, mining for fuel reserves, scanning planets and moons for fuel reserves, etc. And I couldn't help but wish I could do all of this with the freedom that Juno gives players.
It would be so nice if we could make useful satellite networks around planets and moons and refuel our ships on different planets. This would open up new ways to explore the Juno system and many other community-made systems.
I know I am asking for a lot here, but please, please, please, please consider this request.
I wish you all a nice day!
trying to recreate some in career and vz