It would be very useful if you could not just your whole script inside of one part but rather the script could be in different places and thus making it much more simpler.
For example you could use a computer chip to monitor the performance of a craft and that information could be outputted to a MFD.
Or you could have multiple chips trying to accomplish a task. For example if you are making a hover slam script one chip could be calculating the distance to turn on the engines while the other chip deals with the engine gimbal controls. This can be especially useful for things like boost back burns with more than one boosters.

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    @Pedro My bad. I made this post when I was relatively inexperienced.

    2.7 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    This is already a thing, you can even add programs to parts that aren't chips! Broadcast to craft allows you to share information between the various programs you may have on the same craft.

    +1 3.2 years ago

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