Recent patch added "When cloning a part that belongs to a group, now the entire group will be cloned". Why not have the "group cloning" on the 2nd cloning button (one with 3 squares, sorry dont know what its called). Have the cloning button to clone only the selected part. It will just be faster than having to go and group those parts again.
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13.6k AstroAerospace
Yeah its so tedious having to ungroup and regroup parts just to copy a specific part with certain properties/shapes.
I don't know why this was added since if on mobile to can use the clone all button and on PC you can just hold control to copy a group of parts. Not to mention if you have lots of parts grouped and need to copy an individual part it can be difficult to find the base part to group again.
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@AstroAerospace yeah, never felt the need of this feature. All the parts have a great hierarchy system so never had to group than clone them, just clone the root part. Maybe it was supposed to be implemented differently, lets see.