I don't think this really counts a s a bug so I'm putting it here as a discussion thread. It's more of a minor annoyance. When you start the game currently it orients with the home button on the left (opposite to how most people play I believe) by default. It's just a bit annoying having to wait for it to recognize that your device is not oriented in the same way that it auto-oriented every time you start up the game.
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Dev AndrewGarrison
I'm not sure what we can do about it, unfortunately. This all happens before our app even has control. Edit: We'll see if we can do anything.
285 KatosTohbi
@Ryebreaded Exactly, I'm sure lots of people are. It would make the game seem slot smoother if it auto-oriented in the direction most people play it.
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@AndrewGarrison Well it doesn't do it anymore, kudos