Currently if you take a Fuel Tank and try to attach a Strut or other fuel tank perpendicular to it, not using any of the orange part snaps at either end of the fuel tank that has the command pod on it, you simply can't connect the parts. This is however possible in SimplePlanes, you can take a Fuesaloge piece and put another fuesaloge piece perpendicular to it and are able to do so regardless of the size of the fuesaloge piece. This allows for building super complex suspension systems and stuff like that, which I think SR2 has a HUGE Potential for. Sadly as of now in SR2, you can't do this what so ever and building anything that needs a perpendicular connection, is flat out impossible and severely limits how and what you can build in the game. Please make it possible to attach parts via the same 6 point system that Simple Planes has on its fuesaloge pieces.

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    @Gabepasc That's good, means it will happen eventually, currently it's like they don't exist, they just phase through eachother unless thier parallel, it's really annoying

    5.3 years ago
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    At least on PCs you can attach struts perpendicularly to the surface of fusilages or struts.

    5.3 years ago

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