Currently, there is only one option for airplane cockpits. If there was something like a space shuttle cockpit, or airliner cockpit that could be moderately customized, that way you don't need to have a bazillion parts to make an unfortunately crappy looking cockpit. Like in KSP

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    @Aviametal Not to mention it would create ALOT of drag, so the best course of action for like actually functional and useful planes for career is to not even try to build a cockpit just make a really pointy nose

    1.1 years ago
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    2,880 Aviametal

    I wish there were more complete airplane cockpit part for this game too, In this game's current state, making airliners with currently available parts and trying to make their cockpit/nose section look good is not easy to say the least and consumes a lot of time.

    1.1 years ago


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