It'd be great to be able to set the colour/brightness for planets' orbit lines in the map view, to make them more visible.

Lack of that a slightly brighter colour overall would be great.

My problem where this stems from;
I'm a visual person, I do my orbital maneuvers by looking at the orbits as I try to match the inclination, for example. And when it came to TT I wasn't able to do it in the day; I needed a total dark room to see the line. :)

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    0 ysu

    I understand that.


    The challenge shouldn't be "who have the best eyesight". Nor "who can sit in the darkest room".

    Making it harder by a non-visible orbit line - in my opinion - is the territory for an entirely different type of game.

    2.0 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    The line of TT was intentionally darkened to represent how it is a rare and obscure object. We want it to be a more challenging target compared to the other moons

    2.0 years ago

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