so i was playing around with the vizzy to see if it can simultaneously control multiple crafts at a time and it does partially work like it has active control on the throttle and the two crafts are independently controlling their own throttle. However, there are some things that the non-active craft cannot do, the two crafts in the screenshot are identical and I used them for the test, when it was time for the crafts to pitch 60 degrees, only the one I was actively controlling did, the other one went straight up without turning
vizzy does not control the steering of the craft that i am not controlling
3.7 years ago
Found in 0.9.704.0
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Dev Pedro
It's not a simple thing to answer in a comment, you should try asking in the #vizzy channel of the SRC discord server @sushiboi
294 Sushiboi
@pedro16797 what are some of the workarounds? I'm trying to design a falcon heavy style rocket
Dev Pedro
Some properties are player-specific, one of them being anything to do with the auto-pilot (and the navball controls, such as pitch in this case). There are workarounds, controlling directly the craft with vizzy without using the broken tools.
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@pedro16797 okie