Hello. Please be kind to me in the comments it's just a suggestion I do not mean to make anyone angry or spoil.your mood in any way.

I was wondering if it could be possible to give the Droonauts or Pilots some certain level of vulnerability kinda like Kerbonauts (Let it be known however I have never really played KSP in depth, only seen some videos and posts by players).

Perhaps there can be certain levels of vulnerability added such as having them perform as a typical humans such that a fall from a great height or an explosion in close vicinity or a craft going too fast raising too many G-forces kills them. Another level would remove most to all vulnerabilities such that they are like they are now kinda making them highly sophisticated robots/androids.
Another level would put them somewhere in the middle such that they may be like cyborgs of sorts such that they have some vulnerability but can take on more than the most vulnerable, for instance, being able to fall without effect from higher heights and surviving as well as ability to withstand higher G-forces but not past a certain point.

The vulnerable 'human' Droonauts would have a more flawless movement and gait in walking, whilst Android ones walk and in a more jerky fashion like robots do, perhaps something that can be turned on or off as well.

With above considered, if say 'human' Droonauts with high vulnerability are in warp for long periods of time; say something like over 50 years or so, they become very slow or die/inactive beyond re-activation.
Another suggestion would be to give option to make certain vessels to be able to be pressurised such that with different Droonauts within; in a case of depressurisation, the Cyborgs and Androids survive whilst the 'human' ones die or become inactive.
This can also tie in with suggestion of having resources be added where 'human' Droonauts die out in depletion whilst Cyborgs and Androids continue to live on.
Cyborgs and Androids might have ability to live off of solar energy.
'Human' Droonauts would need time to rest and sleep whilst Cyborgs and Androids would need less time to recharge or run some maintanance diagnostics or something.

Suggestion Submitted


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    @SlikeSpitfire Exactly. I recently landed a Droonaut from Space, who had been separated from a Space Capsule during a test spacewalk. That means the Droonaut made it through the atmosphere and landed on the ground no repercussions, no exploding.

    4.3 years ago
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    Since Test Dummies register as "Pancake dead" and entire rockets shatter at g-forces that Droonauts walk away from I would say that this feature is needed

    4.3 years ago


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