I am using version 1.0.909 version on IOS and have following problems with new features of burning nodes:
1) alignment with newly introduced ascending or descending nodes of target bodies does not seem to work properly, as, even when starting from 0.0 deg inclination, I cannot ever align my orbit to that of target body
2) numerical inputs for all burning nodes does not work as numerical inputs seem locked (see picture) and only old style regulation works fine

Bug Submitted Found in 1.0.909.1
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    For point#2 I solved the issue by just using the red, green and blue bars

    1.8 years ago
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    For #1 I also have a new problem now, but in general I have noted that instead of intuitive rule (ascending node with normal burn to increase inclination or ant-normal to decrease) the rule chnages by target body as viewed from Earth: Moon requires anti normal burn to increase inclination and align orbits but Mars is the exact opposite….and it is even worse when from Moon or Mars I try to align with Earth’s orbit….if you see my latest bug report, now I cannot even reproduce the issue

    1.8 years ago
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    Could you elaborate on point #1?

    With #2, I'm not entirely sure what you are saying. I did notice that the input tends to try and reformat itself when entering inputs, which can make it frustrating to use. I just made a tweak to prevent this, so it should work better in the next update.

    1.8 years ago

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