You need to test ever panel through launch to know its power output. A property "power output" would be very handy in the designer.

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    It could just say the optimal output from Droo orbit, as that is the most common use case. Going closer to the sun would just produce extra and further from the sun would be easier to estimate using a base value.

    6.3 years ago
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    Depends on how far you are from the sun. But it would be 100% then. @Omega

    6.3 years ago
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    1,086 _Omega_

    @Caveman999 Yes i mean maximum power output, like 90 degree angle to the sun

    6.3 years ago
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    It depends on which way the craft is facing. So this could be hard to get the correct number. Or do you mean depending on size of panel?

    6.3 years ago


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