When putting any kind of shock and wheel system together for suspension the wheels will freak out and start bending forwards and backwards really violently. the game hadnt done this before so this is most likely update related. i know this because the craft im using never did this until now without any changes to its workings. the photo ive taken shows the wheels bending and turning. they arent suppost to. i will add the craft link to this post after uploading, try it for yourself and tell me what happens.

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    @Shibe Okay, I'm glad to hear that might be a solution to your problem. Be careful with the stability modifier as it can lead to problems if it's too high.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    508 Shibe

    @AndrewGarrison I tried using the stability modifier. It pretty much completely stopped the problem right away.
    Edit: I’ve noticed the same issue with motors and other spinning objects including hinges and rotators I’ll see what can work with those using the modifier. The parts attached to them will sometimes freak even when under very little pressure

    4.8 years ago
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    @Shibe yep, sorry. I meant shock, not piston.

    4.8 years ago
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    508 Shibe

    I will test this out, but don’t you mean shock?

    4.8 years ago
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    You can increase stability in a couple of ways:
    1) Increase the mass of the parts involved in the piston/wheel assembly. Try increasing the mass scale of the piston. Try increase the mass scale of the wheel.
    2) Increase the stability modifier for the piston. Start small, with maybe 2-4 and increase only a little each time until you find a value that works for your craft.

    I hope that helps.

    4.8 years ago

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